Simulations and Their Philosophical Implications
NACAP 2010 @ Carnegie Mellon University - July 24-26, 2010 Simulations and Their Philosophical Implications Call for Papers/Proposals Deadline: February 1st 2010 (firm) In honor of the 60th Anniversary of the publication of Alan Turing’s groundbreaking article, “Computing Machinery and Intelligence,” we are centering the 2010 NACAP Conference on simulations and their philosophical implications. Since the inception of the computer, simulations have become ubiquitous tools of the trade in a wide range of disciplines from astrophysics to sociology, machine learning to logic. When experiments aren’t possible for a variety of reasons (e.g., financial, ethical, lack of a subject pool), researchers have increasingly turned to simulations to test theories, comb through data, make predictions or otherwise take knowledge in new directions. This conference will explore the philosophical implications of this increasing reliance on simulation as it applies to the broader scope of topi...