
Showing posts from September, 2022

(revised on Medium) On the expression "to know better" (series: notes to myself)

There are people who think they know better, and those who know better than to convince them that they don't. I now belong to the second group, but I regularly meet many members of the first: confident, opinionated, patronising. I know them well. For I was one of them. Their beliefs are not improvable, because they are perfect in their views and unfixable in mine. They don't simply know what the case is. They know better than anyone else what the case really is. And they will tell you, even if you don't ask. Assuming you are not too obtuse, life teaches you the hard way to enrol in the other group, of those who should have known better and now know better than to engage. Mistake after mistake - even if you re-arrange facts with a Herculean effort, even if you resist the pressure of mounting evidence, no matter how self-self-preserving your attitude is (yes, it is the self-preserving nature of the self) - sooner or later should teach you some humbleness. Hammer it home, you

Call for expressions of interest

The Centre for Digital Ethics invites expressions of interest (EOI) from early career researchers, with a relevant Master or PhD degree, who would like to develop projects in the field of the Governance, Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications (GELSI) of digital innovation. The EOI should include three documents (all in English): 1. a letter (ca. 500 words), including relevant details about personal motivation, relevant skills, experience, and a link to a Google Scholar profile if available; 2. a short CV, including a list of publications, if any; and 3. a short (ca. 1,000 words) outline of the proposed research project about the GELSI of digital innovation, indicating: topic, methodology, deliverable, and timeline. Deadline: 7 November 2022. Please send your complete EOI to CEDE Segreteria Amministrativa by email (also in English) to: