Gauss Professorship

Every year, the Göttingen Academy of Sciences (Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen) elects a Gauss Professor (Gauß-Professur der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen) to honour the memory of the great scientist.

Normally, the Professorship is awarded to an "importat scientist in one of Gauss' fields of interest". So, no philosopher has been elected so far. They just made an exception. Next year, I will be their Gauss Professor, in recognition of my work on the philosophy of information. An overwhelming honour, but very exciting. No teaching, complete freedom of research and great support. Shame on me if I do not make the most of such a privilege. I better start revising my German.


  1. Dear Luciano (or, if you prefer,prof. Floridi)
    I am a physicist and I am really very pleased that you have been elected Gauss Professor: congratulations !
    I "met" you virtually while I was reading the Scifoo2007 blogs. You astonished me writing: "Some participants seemed to have no doubts that science and religion are simply and clearly incompatible. End of any discussion. And most participants seemed to take for granted that science is an obvious example of non-dogmatic and open-minded approach to life". That gave me something to think about for quite a long time (and it is still burning). Since then, I come back to your blog to read interesting and profound ideas surprisingly clearly written. And this is not a thing you would expect from a philosopher, as any physicist knows (before, during and after the Sokal affair).
    Today I came back to your page (to check if you wrote something interesting on "synthetic life", if you did, please let me know) and I found this pleasant announcement.
    Since I couldn't believe that so far no one else send you a comment, I couldn't resist and here again a well deserved: congratulations !
    Best regards

  2. Yes, that's right: congratulations!!

  3. Not only the first philosopher, but an Italian philosopher! As an Italian (aspiring) philosopher, I'm very proud of you.


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