Converging Technologies, Changing Societies

Call for Papers - SPT 2009
Converging Technologies, Changing Societies

16th International Conference of the Society for Philosophy and Technology
July 8-10

University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands

Deadline for abstracts: January 5, 2009

SPT 2009 welcomes high quality papers and panel proposals in all areas of philosophy of technology. Given the focus of this year's conference, papers dealing with converging technologies and their social and cultural impact are especially welcomed.

SPT 2009 will include 15 tracks:

1. Converging technologies and human enhancement. Chair: Peter-Paul Verbeek
2. Converging technologies and engineering sciences. Chair: Mieke Boon
3. Converging technologies and risks. Chairs: Sabine Roeser and Sven Ove Hansson
4. Converging technologies: general issues. Chair: Armin Grunwald
5. Ethics and politics of emerging technologies. Chair: Tsjalling Swierstra
6. Philosophy and ethics of biomedical and nanotechnology. Chair: Bert Gordijn and Joachim Schummer
7. Philosophy and ethics of information technology. Chair: Adam Briggle
8. Environmental philosophy and sustainable technology. Chair: Andrew Light
9. Philosophy of engineering and design. Chair: Pieter Vermaas
10. Robots, cyborgs and artificial life. Chairs: Mark Coeckelbergh and Gianmarco Veruggio
11. Technology and moral responsibility. Chair: Katinka Waelbers
12. Technology, culture and globalisation. Chairs: Charles Ess and Evan Selinger
13. The good life and technology. Chair: Philip Brey
14. Philosophy of technology: general and assorted issues. Chair: Anthonie Meijers
15. Reflective engineering. Chair: Darryl Farber

Descriptions of the tracks can be found on our website .

Papers will be accepted on the basis of a submitted abstract, which will be refereed. An abstract must be between 500 and 750 words in length (references excluded) and submitted via email ( as embedded plain text or an attachment in RTF or WORD (no docx) or PDF format. It should also contain the name and number of the track to which the abstract is submitted. Abstracts must be submitted no later than January 5, 2009. Authors will be informed of the decision of the referees by March 2, 2009.

Panel Proposals. We will also accept proposals for panel discussions, also to be submitted by January 5, 2009. Panel proposals must include a statement of the general topic and an overview of the specific questions or issues to be addressed. In addition, the proposal should include a list of the panelists involved, their expertise in this area, and whether they have indicated that they are willing to participate.

The SPT conference series is recognized as the premier international event in philosophy of technology, with delegates from all over the world. Conferences are held every 2 years, alternating between Europe and the United States. SPT 2009 is the 16th conference in the series.


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