Call for Chapter Abstracts for the Book Luciano Floridi`s Philosophy of Technology: Critical Reflections

Call for Chapter Abstracts for the Book

Luciano Floridi`s Philosophy of Technology: Critical Reflections

Publisher: Springer (Philosophy of Engineering and Technology Book Series) Book Series Editor in Chief: Vermaas, P. The Volume Editor: Ibo van de Poel

Guest Editor for the volume: Hilmi Demir.

Chapter submissions until June 15, 2010 to

The collected volume focuses on Luciano Floridi`s Philosophy of Technology and will explore both the philosophical and empirical aspects of his theory. Here is a sample of the issues that we intend to cover within the framework of the collected volume.

1. The nature of information
2. Ethics and Information Technology
3. Knowledge and Technology
4. The notion of `being informed` and its formal analysis
5. Floridi`s notion of `Levels of Abstraction`
6. Philosophy of Computing and AI
7. Philosophy of Technology and Education
8. Floridi`s notion of `infosphere`
9. Cognitive Technology and `inforgs`
10. The informational turn as a fourth revolution after the Copernican, the Darwinian and the Freudian revolutions.
11. Online identity and Floridi`s informational structural realism.

Chapters should normally be between 7000 and 10000 words in length, although longer chapters, of up to 15000 words, might also be accepted for publication.

Hilmi Demir
Guest Editor


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