North-American Computing And Philosophy Conference

This year NA-CAP was hosted by RPI. It was a great success, with a large variety of papers, a packed program, plenty of entertainments and even the food was good.

Three notable features of this CAP conference (CAP conferences are held around the world under the IACAP program) were:
  • the relevance of computer/information ethics (ICE, using Charles Ess' catchy acronym). The conference was open by a panel on the topic, to which I took part;
  • the attention devoted to robotics and its philosophical issues (this was to be expected, given the local strength in the field); and
  • the very interesting network of papers dedicated to simulation and modelling and the epistemic/logical/methodological issues they involve.
A great conference, which you can still enjoy online by clicking on the title of this blog and viewing the videos of many of the talks.


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