The 2008 Brian Michael Goldberg Award for Outstanding Achievement by a Graduate Student

The International Association for Computing and Philosophy

Call for Applications

The 2008 Brian Michael Goldberg Award for Outstanding Achievement by a Graduate Student
Application Deadline: March 1st, 2008

The International Association for Computing and Philosophy invites applications for the Goldberg Graduate Award. The purpose of the awards is to provide recognition for graduate students engaged in innovative work in the field of computing and philosophy. The winner of the award will present his or her paper at the North American Computing and Philosophy Conference, July 10th - 12th at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. (See

Please note that only the winning submission has guaranteed acceptance for the conference; thus anyone wishing to present even if his or her submission does not win should provide a regular submission to the conference in addition to the submission to the award.

For a description of the award and information about how to apply, please visit the website of the Association:


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