The Philosophy of Identity in the Virtual


The Philosophy of Identity in the VirtualSymposium n° 6 (of 6), April 23, 9-12 AM / 2-5 PM

For information on the venue and related Symposiums:


Difference, Relation and Identity are three notions that are fundamentals for the success of Virtual Reality technologies (VR and AR). The aim of this symposium is to conceptualise the Identity of an individual as a scientific concept whilst acknowledging the fact that Identity cannot be studied without considering the other two notions. The pros and cons of designing identities for or within VR become obvious upon admitting that representing any Self will be interpreted at some point by someone having his own values, opinions and experience in life. Members of our society that self-procure, attribute or redistribute Identity in the Virtual World bring about psychological enquiries in relation to user intentionality, specific uses of VR applications or general modifications to our ways of communicating.

Usability issues addressing the problem of Identity have not yet been integrated into long-term visions of society and our needs. The Chair of the session is thus open to all existential, ethical and epistemological issues having to do with Identity in Virtual Communities.

Important Dates

Online papers submission opens November 30, 2008
Submission of full papers January 19, 2009
Notification of acceptation February 27, 2009
Deadline for final revisions March 16, 2009

For more information, click on the title of this blog.


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