America at its best again

Wonderful news. We really needed them badly. Two quick comments.

1) You can draw a straight line between the openings of two of America's greatest speeches: "I have a dream" and "If there is anyone". From the introspective, to the objective, allo-centric view, this is how the US have overcome one of their worst crisis and social problem.

2) None of the five good emperors of Rome were actually born in Rome. They were totally Romans though, just as Obama is absolutely American। The US just got a new lease from history. They deserve it.
Obama was born in the US of course, or he could not have run for the presidency. (Schwarzenegger docet. You can at most become Governor.)


  1. Argh! Obama WAS born in the United States!

  2. "None of the five good emperors of Rome were actually born in Rome."

    Do you mean the modern city of Rome or Ancient Rome?

    From the wiki:
    Nerva=Narni (central Italy)
    Trajan=Italica (Hispanica)
    Hadrian=Rome (he wrote) or Italica (Spain)according to others Antoninus Pius=near Lanuvium (near Rome)
    Marcus Aurelius=Rome

    Again, perhaps, "Rome" is defined differently by Italians?

    I note neither Obama or McCain were born on the US mainland.


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