Modelling social norms in multiagent systems

Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Issue: Volume 18, Number 01 / March 2006
Pages: 49 - 71
URL: Linking Options
DOI: 10.1080/09528130500466783

Modelling social norms in multiagent systems

Henry Hexmoor A1, Satish Gunnu Venkata A1, Donald Hayes A1

A1 Computer Science and Computer Engineering Department, University of
Arkansas, Fayetteville, USA


Social norms are cultural phenomena that naturally emerge in human societies and help to prescribe and proscribe normative patterns of behaviour. In recent times, the discipline of multi-agent systems has been used to model social norms in an artificial society of agents. In this paper we review norms in multi-agent systems and then explore a series of norms in a simulated urban traffic setting. Using game-theoretic concepts we define and offer an account of norm stability. Particularly in small groups, a relatively small number of individuals with cooperative attitude are needed for the norm of cooperation to evolve and be stable. In contrast, in larger populations, a larger proportion of cooperating individuals are required to achieve stability.


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