Latin American Conference on Computing and Philosophy

LA-CAP09 - Call for Papers
Mexico City, Mexico, June 22-23, 2009

LA-CAP09 is the first Latin American Conference on Computing and Philosophy will be held on the Campus of the National University of Mexico (UNAM) in Mexico City, Mexico. One of the aims of this conference is to build the Latin American section of the International Association for Computing and Philosophy (IACAP): see IACAP for further informations.

Conference Chair: Francisco Hernández Quiroz (UNAM – México)
Juan Manuel Durán (UNC - Argentina)


• March 1, 2009. End of submission of extended abstract.
• March 29, 2009. Notification of acceptance.
• May 17, 2009. Early registration deadline.
• June 22-23, 2009. Conference.


• Prof. Wilfried Sieg. Carnegie Mellon. USA.
• Prof. Víctor Rodríguez. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Argentina

We are expecting the confirmation of two more keynote speakers. They will be announced in the website.

The International Association for Computing and Philosophy (IACAP) exists to promote scholarly dialogue and research on all aspects of the computational and informational turn, and on the use of information and communication technologies in the service of philosophy. Besides to serve as a regional forum for interested researches in the area, LA-CAP 2009 intends to lay the foundations for a Latin American affiliate of IACAP.

As the first meeting in the area, we would like to keep a scope as wide as possible within the common ground of Computing and Philosophy. We invite papers that address all topics related to computing and philosophy, including cross- and interdisciplinary work that explores the computational turn in new ways. Possible (but not exclusive) research areas are:

- Artificial Intelligence / Cognitive Science
- Artificial Life / Computer Modeling in Biology / Biological Information / Biocomputation
- Information and Computer Ethics / Ethical and Political Dimensions of ICTs in Globalization
- Culture and Society
- Logics
- Metaphysics (Distributed Processing, Emergent Properties, Formal Ontology, etc.)
- Philosophy of Computer Science
- Philosophy of Information and Information Technology
- IT and Gender Research, Feminist Technoscience Studies
- Robotics
- Virtual Reality
- Computational Linguistics
- Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Problem of Consciousness and Cognition
- Computer-based Learning and Teaching Strategies and Resources & The Impact of Distance Learning on the Teaching of Philosophy and Computing
- Computer-Mediated Communication
- Distance Education and Electronic Pedagogy
- Online Resources for Philosophy
- New Models of Logic Software
- Electronic Publishing
- Computer Simulations


Authors should submit an electronic version of an extended abstract (total word count approximately 1000). The file should also contain a 300 word abstract that will be used for the conference web site/booklet. To submit papers visit the submission page at the website. Please keep in mind that the IACAP discourages participants from reading their papers to the audience. (Many presenters prepare slides using some software package. However, these need not be submitted with your original paper.)

The IACAP discourages "show-and-tell" demonstrations, but welcomes submissions that show a new and interesting application of computers to philosophy. Submissions in this category should consist of a 1,500-word abstract outlining what is innovative about the application and the questions pertinent to philosophy that your demonstration will raise.

For panels, please submit a 1,000-word summary of the panel as a whole, along with 300 to 500-word abstracts for each of its various components.

The conference will be accepting electronic submissions appropriately prepared for blind review on or before March 1st, 2009. Additional details will be posted to the conference website (click on the title of this blog).

This conference is one of several regional conferences associated with the International Association for Computing and Philosophy. To learn more about the IACAP, including its other conferences and membership details, visit the organization's website at


As announced previously, LA-CAP will take place next June 22-23, 2009 at Mexico City. The conference CFP and related information can be found at

We would also like to call your attention to the fact that members of IACAP will enjoy a discounted conference fee. IACAP has recently moved to a fixed-date membership system, however - with December 1 of the current year as the deadline for membership through November 30, 2009.

Accordingly, if you plan to attend LA-CAP and would like to take advantage of the conference discount for IACAP members, we encourage you to join IACAP prior to the December 1, 2008, deadline.

Membership is currently set as:

Students: $10.00

Ordinary: $30.00

Supporting: $50.00 or more

You can register your membership online, click here.


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