The Nature and Scope of Information

The IEG organises a series of philosophy research seminars this term on the philosophy of information, entitled "The Nature and Scope of Information". The seminar series is kindly supported and hosted by the Department of Engineering Science.

The seminars are meant to provide an opportunity, to members of our research group and other invitees, to interact with leading philosophers, scientists and scholars working on information-related issues, broadly conceived. For more information about the seminars, the speakers and the location please visit the website.

Here is a quick guide.

In Hilary, there will be four seminars, which will take place on Tuesdays, from 16.30 until 18.30, room LR7, Department of Engineering Science, Parks Road, Oxford.

  • 27th January - Hannes Leitgeb, University of Bristol, The Prospects of Formal Philosophy.
  • 10th February - Jon Williamson, University of Kent, Do probability and causality exist?
  • 24th February - Richard Bradley, London School of Economics, Conditionals and the Unification of Decision Theory.
  • 10th March - Michael Wooldridge, University of Liverpool, Title tba.

Please note that the format of the seminars is slightly unorthodox. We try to keep the group small (no "general public" and only invited participants); we provide plenty of time for the presentation (1 hour) and for the following Q&A session (1 hour); but, above all, we invite the speaker to provide a detailed overview of his or her own research, rather than a particular topic-oriented paper. Presentations are in PowerPoint. There is no paper reading.

At the end of the seminar, there may be a dinner with the speaker and we may carry on the conversation over a glass of wine.

Participation to the seminars is free, but subject to availability of places, so if you wish to register please do send an email to Dr Elizabeth Back.


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